Celebrate National Teacher Appreciation Week with Skin Authority
- Published: Thursday, May 10th 2012
- in Beauty
It’s no surprise that teachers have a lot on their plates. Between overcrowded classrooms and a shortage of school supplies, many reach into their own pockets to fill in the gaps. In fact, teachers spent a total of $1.3 billion out of pocket on classroom supplies during the 2010 school year, a survey by the National School Supply and Equipment Association revealed. So, in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week (May 7-11), Skin Authority, a leading lifestyle skin company, together with nearly 50 top spas are taking the time to repay the favor through their TOUCH Transforms movement.
Through May 14, Skin Authority is accepting nominations for its TOUCH Transforms Teachers Contest. Students and parents can share a story of why their favorite teacher makes a difference in their life and nominate that teacher to win a Skin Authority spa facial experience at their local participating spa. Top finalists will receive a $50 Skin Authority gift card.
“We listen to teacher’s stories of struggling to keep their classrooms stocked with basic supplies,” says Skin Authority CEO Celeste Hilling, who is leading the TOUCH Transforms Teachers movement. “Teachers are America’s heroes. While we can’t give every teacher $500, we can give them a wellness lift and self-esteem boost.”
To show further appreciation, for every customer who purchases $50 or more of Skin Authority products from www.skinauthority.com or from a participating location through May 14, Skin Authority will donate a free $50 gift certificate to a teacher of their choice. The certificates will be delivered via email and will include a personalized message. Find a participating location.