Our Back to Basics September: Yoga, Beauty & More
- Published: Tuesday, September 1st 2015
- in Beauty
Now that summer is unofficially over (let’s be honest, September is the true mark of its end) it’s time to excited about all that fall has to offer. This September we’re celebrating all things beauty and wellness here at Spafinder. From National Yoga Month features all month-long to our editors’ picks for the best in beauty, there’s a lot to look forward to! Including, our monthly Twitter Chat. This month we’re getting inspired by the back to school season and going back to basics with beauty!
Our beauty experts are going to go beyond the labels to help us decode some of those secret ingredients in our skin care. Discover what’s helpful and what’s actually harming your skin. Plus, learn what it is you need to really transition you skin care routine from summer to fall and how little lifestyle changes can dramatically change your skin.
Date & Time: September 17, 2015 2pm ET
RSVP: editorial@spafinder.com
Follow Along At: #BacktoBasics @Spafinder