How to Spot Melanoma
- Published: Wednesday, April 14th 2010
- in Beauty
SpaFinder is passionate about bringing awareness to the dangers of melanoma and how easily preventable it can be with the right amount of care.
Keeping an eye on moles and freckles can have a huge impact on preventing the spread of melanomas, a huge advantage as once the cancers spread they become increasingly difficult to treat.
- Melanomas on men are often found on the trunk, usually between the shoulders and hips
- Melanomas on women often develop on the lower legs
Follow this A-B-C-D-E guideline developed by the American Academy of Dermatology for identifying melanomas or other skin cancers.
Asymmetry: If the mole were folded in half, the sides wouldn’t match.
Border Irregularity: The mole’s edges are ragged, notched, or blurred.
Color: The mole is a nonuniform mixture of brown, black, red, white, or blue.
Diameter: The mole is wider than 6 millimeters (the size of a pencil eraser).
Evolving: The mole changes in size, shape, color, or symmetry.