Our Favorite Winter Skin Tips
- Published: Monday, December 12th 2022
- in Beauty

We love looking in the Spafinder archives for tips that work just as well today as they did years ago. And we especially love these winter skin tips, excerpted from a popular Spafinder blog. They are easy and time-tested by snow bunnies across the U.S. Here are four of our favorites!
Guess What’s #1? Drink More Water!
It’s a fact that dehydration leads to dry, unattractive skin. Kick off the New Year by making a firm resolution to drink more healthy fluids every day—and to consume less alcohol (those holiday cocktails are drying.) You can also get more fluids from fruits like berries, which are rich in anti-oxidants, and vitamin-C loaded citrus.
And while you’re thinking about water, turn down the temperature. Hot showers and hot baths can strip your skin of its natural oils so it’s best to set the water temperature at warm.
Say Goodbye to Dead Skin
What can we say? Dead skin is flakey and unattractive. During the winter season exfoliating your face, hands and feet once a week is a must. Gentle exfoliation removes pesky dead skin cells; plus it allows your moisturizer to penetrate more quickly and deeply. It’s easy to make a DIY scrub like this Sugar and Strawberry marvel from the spa gurus at Woodloch Resort & Spa. Just combine strawberries, almond oil and raw sugar, which is gentler than salt.
Winter is also the perfect time to treat yourself to a professional facial or body treatment, like a moisturizing wrap at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis. Moreover, it’s also time to switch to an oil-based moisturizer (slather it on every time you take a shower or bath) and to use a milder soap.
Keep Your Winter Skin Beautiful
If you live in Boston, it may not seem like the sun shines from December to March. However, winter sun is real and it’s essential to use sunscreen during the winter months. This is especially important if you’re hitting the ski slopes where there can be a lot of reflected sun.
It’s also important to take it easy on astringents and change to a moisturizing toner. In fact, we think it’s a good idea to avoid astringents in the winter, unless you have oily skin. We also suggest skipping face powder and only use an oil-based liquid foundation In addition, start using a richer moisturizer or face cream and don’t forget your hands.
Tricks of the Trade
Adding a humidifier to your bedroom or home can help combat the drying effects of indoor heating. Probiotics are also are good for your skin; they are anti-inflammatory and help calm breakouts and eczema. And be sure to eat more superfoods like quinoa and avocados to your winter diet. They promote elasticity, softness and resiliency–just what you need when the north winds blow and temperatures drop!
Healthy Winter Skin – from Upstate New York to Sunny L.A.
Dry flakey skin. Parched lips. Chapped hands. The joys of winter skin–NOT! Even if we live in relatively warm climates, winter means drying indoor heat and windy, colder weather. And while it’s fun to frolic in the snow and wear cute boots and hats, weather changes mean it’s time to give our skin extra care. We hope you will remember these easy ways to keep your skin smooth, supple and radiant in the coldest climates. (We’re thinking of you, Minnesota.) And even if you call Miami home, they are great for a seasonal skin reboot.