Sweating With Sensors: Is Wearable Tech the Future of Fitness?
- Published: Wednesday, June 4th 2014
- in Fitness
From Google Glass, to Fitbits, and beyond – it seems wearable fitness-inspired technology is truly having a moment right now. The latest in the wearable world comes from Intel, in the form of a smart shirt. The New York Times reported that Intel unveiled it’s latest create at the Code conference in Southern California.
Designed with technology from AiQ Smart Clothing Inc., a company who has created a myriad of smart wearable technology, the shirt is fabricated with conductive fibers that are able to track your heart rate and then virtually send the information to your smartphone, tablet, or computer, so you can adequately measure your performance. The user simply hooks their shirt into a Intel’s Edison micro-computer in order to live-stream health info over Bluetooth and WiFi.
In a world where we literally have technology at our fingertips 24/7, we got to wondering if wearable technology really is the future of fitness or just a passing fad. We caught up with our fitness expert, Kara Thomas, Fitness & Health Manager at Sanctuary on Camelback Mountain Resort & Spa to get her take on the trend!
“Wearable fitness technology is great for creating awareness and helping America get healthier,” Kara explained. “Consumers are so busy these days, therefore techno fitness items make it easy to track progress and fitness status.” She noted though that this rise in tech wear doesn’t always replace the helpfulness and cheerleader-aspect of working out with an actual trainer. “There are so many advantages to a live personal trainer helping you, coaching you, and motivating you to being a healthier human being. The bottom line is no matter what approach works for you, the key is consistency and dedication…stick with it and you will feel great!”
Do you use Fitbits or any of the other forms for fitness technology available today or do you prefer working out with a trainer? Share your thoughts below!