Your 2016 Horoscope: What the New Year Holds for You
- Published: Monday, January 4th 2016
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2016: The best is yet to come!
2016 is shaping up to be a fantastic year of growth and achievement for many. Let’s take a look into each sign and see how this will manifest in your life this year!
I must admit, I have a soft spot for the Aries native. Aries can be bullish, headstrong, and downright bossy! If one could peek just under the surface and see the inner workings of these bullish creatures, you would be dazzled by their brilliance and baffled by their insecurities. Aries, it is truly OK to exhibit both of these personas; in fact, in 2016 it will actually be quite desirable! 2016 will be a year, which by being completely in touch with and honest about who you are, will be just the ticket you need to lift you to unimaginable new heights.
The earthy and wonderful Taurus just keeps getting more and more luscious and desirable as the years go on…what? You don’t feel very luscious or desirable? Could it be because you have added on some extra winter padding over the holidays? Are you feeling particularly lazy or apathetic? Taurus, 2016 will be a great year to throw off the cloak of heaviness and/or stubbornness and flit about more carefree and light. 2015 turned out a bit heavy for Taurus, but I am envisioning the analogy of Scrooge on Christmas morning. He was reborn and reinvigorated after many years in a dark place. Taurus natives will feel reborn and inspired in 2016, as if you, too, visited the dark night of the Soul and came thru unscathed and liberated! Live it up Taurus—you truly are a luscious creature!
Ahhhh Gemini…oh how I would love to be YOU this year. 2016 is shaping up to be a year of Romance, True Love, and Fulfillment beyond your wildest dreams. Sound too good to be true? Well, it will be “too good to be true” unless you make up your mind to manifest these things for yourself and your twin flame (or whatever delightful fancies fill your heart and soul with love). You have the power to change your destiny and create a stunning year, as the stars and planets are coming together in your favor. Or conversely, you can choose to sit on the couch with your remote and watch reruns of Fantasy Island…My advice: Take a chance, be big, be BOLD, and be a love machine! Make 2016 a year you chuckle about for the next 25!
Work/life balance is a term that is all the rage right now. I bring this up because in 2015 Cancer natives had the tendency to be heavy on the work side of the work/life balance concept. I know this is counterintuitive for you very intuitive natives, but the more balance you actually achieve in your life, the more successful all of your endeavors will be. Go ahead and walk out of the office at 5:00 and start keeping those social engagements you are usually too busy for. It is while you are at play that you will discover the secrets to your success this year. A very positive and rewarding year for the Cancer native!
There is no one better than a Leo to understand the following concept: “We have one life, just one. Why aren’t we running like we are on fire towards our wildest dreams?” The planets are so fruitful in so many ways for Leo this year, that just about anything you put your mind to will be wildly successful. Oh did I say anything you put your mind to? Yes, the danger might be in putting your mind to the “wrong thing.” If and when you encounter this dilemma and find yourself unsure, ask yourself this question: “Is this going to increase my capacity to give and receive love?” If the answer is yes, you know you are on the right track.
As I was sitting and meditating about the year ahead for Virgo, I was overcome by a feeling of peace and tranquility, a perfect state, to expand and increase the possibilities in your life. Virgo usually feels the need to take action and “do” things to feel validated and useful. The year 2016 will be a year to slow down, listen carefully, and be receptive to the gifts the universe has in store for you. This means stop judging yourself, stop picking yourself and others apart, and stop analyzing the unimportant minutia. Instead, clear your mind, come into stillness, and listen to your innermost self communicating your deepest yearnings. Respond with compassion and reverence. Remember you are a human being not a human doing. Listen Virgo, 2016 could be the most fulfilling year in a very long time.
There is nothing worse to a Libra native than feeling out of balance. Librans often find themselves juggling too many things at once, trying to command equilibrium out of even the most mundane of things. Give it up Libra, listen to your heart, and bring beauty, balance, and splendor to the thing that is most important to you—your relationships. Thrive in the company of children, shower your friends with beautiful poetry or handmade cards, pick up the phone and call your relations, and make plans to visit. If you are in a love relationship, snuggle in deeper and find even more to celebrate and appreciate. If you are not in a relationship, allow your inner grace, sensuality, and beauty to radiate out and attract an ever grateful and smitten partner! 2016 is the year of love and connection for lovely Libra!
Why do Scorpios have such a perplexing reputation? Why is it when someone finds out you are a Scorpio, their eyebrows raise, they smirk, or they remark, mmm hmmm! Because Scorpios will go where others fear to tread! A place most others are afraid to go, namely, right to the heart of any matter. Scorpio natives dig down deep and bring the hidden truths out to be exposed to light of day. This is just a matter, of course, for Scorpio natives, and they don’t always notice others cringing around them while the truth is illuminated for all to see. Scorpio will be in rare form this year…only with a twist. They will be the ones squirming this year, as the hidden things they uncover will be their own internal mysteries: the good, the bad, the ugly, but most of all…the magnificent! 2016 is a year for a big awakening!
When I think of Sagittarians I automatically think of adventure! Something inside me says take a trip to see the northern lights, hike the Swiss Alps, or read the classics on the veranda of a sunny portal in Mexico! Whatever you decide to do this year Sag, the stars are pointing the way to a grand adventure. Make plans to do the trip you always wanted, write the great American novel, purchase that cabin in the woods, get married! 2016 is the year you will have the Midas touch—nearly everything you set out to do has the potential to be fully accomplished! Seize the day Sagittarius!
So when does this all quiet down and you get to go back to your nice, serene life? Ha! You have only had snatches of serenity in your life and when you do, you often become impatient, bored, and begin to look for trouble. 2016 has more of the same busy feeling, with one big exception. This could be the year that you cease spinning your wheels and begin to reap the rewards of your hard work. The stars are lining up to favor you with abundance in a very unique way. You will begin to feel a shift in how you expend energy and how it then is returned in equal or greater parts. Cappy—you know exactly what I mean, don’t you? Now, I don’t want to get negative on you after this message of incredible celestial benevolence, but I have a warning. Energy expended out for naughtiness will also be returned in equal or greater parts, so with that said, in 2016, be certain if you decide to play with fire…you want to feel the burn.
Aquarian natives are the most altruistic of all the signs, and they live their lives in service to others. Sometimes, the others are a “group” of some sort or a cause. This is such a beautiful and spiritual way to live a life: selfless and giving. Now, I fear I may seem cold-hearted by what I see in the coming year, but someone needs to say it. 2016 is a year to recharge the Aquarian native. You have been living so much for others that you may be feeling a tiny bit depleted, or worse, you may be feeling completely out of touch with your own needs. For the next few months, remember the wonderful jewels that live inside of you. Your compassion and tenderness, your mighty intelligence, your creativity, and the deep reverence and love you feel for your family. Revel in all of these wonderful qualities and heal all of the places inside of yourself that were overlooked in 2015. It is time to be refilled from the endless supply of love and kindness in the universe and live a beautiful life of illumination in 2016.
2016 holds a promise for the Pisces native: the promise of abundance, completion, and fulfillment. Many things you have begun over the last few years suddenly get legs, get finished, get another look, and begin to pay off. Loose ends throughout your life will be tied up in neat little packages, and you will have traction for success and growth such that you haven’t felt in years. It will all feel effortless, as you have mostly forgotten all of the hard work you put in to get your life to this point. You will be giddy and delighted. Enjoy the fruits of your labors in 2016 Pisces—this will be a banner year. Receive the blessings with humility and gratitude.