An Affordable Spa with the Biggest Loser Appeal
- Published: Monday, October 1st 2007
- in Living Well

Before leaving Utah, I wanted to take a quick look at Fitness Ridge which was the spa featured in the USA Today article in which we were also quoted (In particular they listed our top 10 Readers’ Choice winners for Most Affordable Spas.”) The story was titled “Fit & Frugal – Affordable spa resorts promise to lighten the load, not the wallet” and was in the September 21 issue.
I knew that Fitness Ridge used to be called the Body Shop Spa but recently they moved and also changed their name. Both seem to have been good decisions.
I have to say I really liked the place…and the idea that people can go and have a true fitness and spa experience for as low as $1,295 per week, including all of the activities, food, and accommodations. It is sort of a Biggest Loser setting with the trainers being a tad nicer. They also have the one-week required program I am so fond of. You arrive on Sunday and leave the next Sunday. Temptation is removed and they do call if you miss a hike or class.
It reminded me of the program at the Golden Door when I began there in 1975. Low calorie, lots of exercise, and real bonding between the guests. A couple of novel elements…..all guests are in all of the same hikes and classes together and they accommodate the various levels. And some evenings they show movies in the gym and everyone walks on a treadmill for the entire time.
I emailed my “recognizance” to our Spa Finder office before arriving back in New York. Two members of our staff are ready to sign up. I think Biggest Loser fever is catching on.