Global Spa Summit
- Published: Friday, March 16th 2007
- in Living Well
I am focusing much of my time now on details for the upcoming Global Spa Summit, which will be held here in New York City this May. This inaugural event was envisioned by a group of spa professionals who felt that there needed to be one spa gathering during the year – global in scope – which would be specifically designed to give CEO’s, Presidents, owners, and other top level leaders in the industry the chance to join together and help shape the future. The visionaries, and the engine behind this idea include:
Anna Bjurstam – Raison d’Etre
Richard Dusseau – Spa Strategy
Andrew Gibson – Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group
Jeff Matthews – Mandara Spa Asia
Anne McCall Wilson – Fairmont Raffles Hotels International
Ingo Schweder – Bodi Dharma Group
Sonu Shivdasani – Six Senses Hotels & Spas
Mary Tabacchi – Cornell University
Mark Wuttke – The Wuttke Group
…and of course, Peter and I are very involved as well.
The event is an invitation-only conference with some very exciting aspects: several closed sessions for various like-minded groups allowing the chance for “off the record” dialogue, dinner parties at several of New York’s top restaurants with topical conversations, as well as an opportunity for attendees and their significant others to experience unlimited complimentary spa treatments at the Cornelia Day Resort. They are graciously welcoming and hosting all delegates.
I am really excited about the possibilities that this kind of synergy can create!