If Stress Affects Beauty, Prepare for Ugly.
- Published: Wednesday, October 8th 2008
- in Living Well
by Susie Ellis, SpaFinder Spa Insider
If stress affects beauty, we can probably all plan on things getting a bit uglier. That is unless we intervene or the current escalating stress level that most people are experiencing begins to dissipate. (I am not counting on that happening anytime soon.)
Meredith Viera interviewed Dr. Amy Wechsler, a board certified dermatologist and psychiatrist, on the Today Show a couple of days ago. Dr. Wechsler was talking about her new book The Mind-Beauty Connection.
The title caught my attention. Since we often talk about the mind-body connection in the spa world, the idea of a mind-beauty connection seemed intriguing. Dr. Wechsler talked about how stress affects beauty and gave tips on how to reverse skin aging by reducing stress. Her main point was that age-related stress can be seen on your face and is totally and easily reversible – she suggests in nine days.
I have to say I connected with what she was saying. I remember taking a yoga class several years ago after which a person remarked to me that I looked 10 years younger after the class than before it. Well…that was probably an exaggeration, however I do remember recognizing that there was definitely a difference in how I felt and looked. Dr. Wechsler emphasizes the very things taught at spas; deep breathing, exercise, healthy foods, counting your blessings, more sleep, meditation or “time out,” and intimacy. Come to think of it, that pretty much sums up a spa vacation! And many of her points can be experienced during a spa visit…or even in a yoga class.
I don’t often recommend a book I haven’t read yet (mine is in the mail) but check out this video from the Today Show website . Maybe we can all get started on a beautification campaign!
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