Spa Evidence Portal,, is Live!
- Published: Wednesday, August 3rd 2011
- in Living Well
Here is a letter I sent a few days ago to all those who attended the Global Spa Summit in Bali. I thought you might enjoy it as well.
Dear Colleague,
To my surprise, there were tears. I will explain in a minute.
Yesterday, was “officially” launched to the entire industry, to media, and to consumers via this press release: Launches: World’s First Portal to the Medical Evidence for Spa and Wellness Therapies. We are inviting you all to get involved, by linking directly to the portal from your website through logos and banners (like the one on the right) or even white label it to help spread the word.
We have continued to make improvements to the portal, which was first presented at the recent Global Spa Summit in Bali. You may remember that, on the last day of the GSS, Dr. Ken Pelletier and Dr. Daniel Friedland gave outstanding presentations that led up to the unveiling of this year’s most important GSS initiative, the launch of the SpaEvidence portal. You can read their transcribed speeches here: Dr. Pelletier and Dr. Friedland.
I also wanted to share with you directly a letter written to me by Dr. Friedland. It addressed what happened at the end of the presentation on the SpaEvidence portal. Not only was there a standing ovation, but there were tears and we were all quite shocked and a bit overwhelmed. Later Dr. Friedland expressed to me what he thought the tears were about. I asked him to please write it down so that I might share it with others as I think his observations were quite profound.
Here is the letter he sent which touched me deeply and, I think, will touch you as well.
From: Daniel Friedland []
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 9:05 PM
To: Susie Ellis
Subject: The Emotion around the Presentation of the Portal
Hi Susie,
Once again many thanks for the phenomenal experience in joining you for this year’s Summit. It was a joy being with you and the remarkable group of people you assembled. I feel blessed by many new friendships and the strong sense that our presentation and the Portal will play a significant role in transforming the Spa and Wellness Industry and how and where healthcare is delivered globally.
As promised I’m getting back to you with some thoughts about why some of the delegates felt so emotional during our presentation of the portal.
Just before we left the Laguna, I spoke with Kerstin Florian, who shared with me her emotional response to the presentation. Listening to what she shared, gave depth to what I sensed… that so many in your industry have worked for so long, deeply committed to making a profound difference in the lives of their clients. They’ve seen results and know that what they have to offer has value. At the same time, many may have felt marginalized by the conventional medical community, as if what the industry has to offer is “soft.”
What I believe came though from our presentation is the revelation that no one group has a monopoly on supporting health – the journey to wholeness – for the health seekers we all care for.
Conventional medicine, no doubt, has a lot to offer, particularly for patients who are struggling to manage and cure disease. The Spa and Wellness Industry has an immense amount to offer too, especially around maintaining wellness and preventing disease, as well as providing healing and benefit with various wellness modalities to health seekers who are navigating their disease.
The Portal provides more than scientific validation around the value of various Spa and Wellness modalities. It is also a gateway through which many who have been laboring for so long with love and deep conviction, experience an emotional catharsis in discovering their life’s work validated and their purpose emboldened with meaning and significance.
I feel privileged to work with you and our team on this and to continuing our journey together…
With great warmth and appreciation,
Daniel Friedland, MD
My twitter address: @susieellis