Using Spas To Stop Aging – At All Costs
- Published: Thursday, June 28th 2007
- in Living Well
Today’s New York Times had a huge story in their Style Section entitled “Beauty Regimens Reach for the Gold Standard.” It was an article written about three women in Beverly Hills describing how much they spend – and what they have done – in terms of their beauty regimes each week. Even I was quite shocked. Not only the money spent but also the time taken!
One woman, Ginger, figures that she spends about 10 hours and $1,000 each week on grooming. (And if you count her personal training and exercise coaching, you would add another $500 per week to that.) Another woman spends about $500 per week on grooming although that doesn’t count the $60,000 she spent this year on liposuction and a face lift. The third woman spends about $225 per week which in comparison looked quite reasonable. That’s still almost $12,000 per year!
It is bittersweet to read these stories. Clearly the demand for these services is part of why our spa industry has such robust growth. On the other hand it is kind of sad to think that the desperation to look young forever is so very important to so many of us – and I do include myself. Perhaps the best solution is for other parts of the spa industry – the part concerned with the body/mind/spirit, community and self-acceptance – to become more successful in helping people reach a healthy outlook on aging gracefully.
We can hope.