Meditate, Don’t Hesitate. Uber-ize It.
- Published: Tuesday, May 10th 2016
- in Products We Love
This month, our contributors share the faves on their i-Phones and Androids in honor of launching The Wellness App. Sara Quiriconi, Live Free Warrior, tells all here.
The Go-To: Insight Timer: I use on a daily basis. We’ve all heard the incredible benefits of meditating; reduced stress, better sleep, more focus, etc. So, what keeps us from actually doing it? Insight Timer is designed for all levels, from the beginner just dipping his/her toes in the blissful waters, to the well-practiced meditator who’s straight back from the ashram in India. It Offers a variety of features that help you personalize your meditation practice; from sounds, duration, to making it an individual journey or even joining a group to keep you motivated.”
How It Works: Set the timer to meditate for any duration (from 1 minute to 12 hours or more), including the option to set intervals guiding how much time has passed, taking away the anxiety of wondering how long you’ve been sitting or is left. Not sure how to meditate? No excuses, this app has you covered, there are guided meditations, from “Relax and Let Go” to “Mindfulness” practices. If you’re a numbers geek, you can track your progress using charts, hours of use, milestones achieved, and so you know you’re not alone, intel on people around the world using the app meditating with at that same exact moment. Just remember to enjoy the journey, meditation is a practice, not perfection.
What I Love: I have struggled for years to keep a meditation practice. I come up with a tons of reasons why I don’t have time, endless questions wondering if I’m doing it right, starting and stopping because my mind wanders, I get anxious about time, and every other reason in the book that are let’s be real – excuses – not reasons. This app has kept me on track meditating (almost) daily since the start of the year. Because it’s downloaded to my phone, I can take my meditation practice with me everywhere I travel, whether at home or traveling and in need of a moment of inner connection looking for a pause in my day for clarity and peace.