Q&A: What Sexual and Intimate Wellness Means
- Published: Monday, June 7th 2021
- in QA with Spafinder

Christine Marie Mason, CEO & founder of Rosebud Woman, is passionate about women’s wellness and the liberation of all people. In this honest, empowering Q&A, Christine explains why she founded Rosebud and what sexual and intimate wellness means to her.

Read on to discover how Rosebud Woman’s intimate skin and body care formulations support all stages of a woman’s sensual, sexual and reproductive life. And how Christine believes they provide solutions for arousal, moisture, calming, freshness and resilience.
You are passionate about Rosebud Woman. What does sexual and intimate wellness mean to you?
Sexual and intimate wellness means having complete freedom and joy in your body, the ability to offer your full yes and a firm no, to have appreciation, laughter and pleasure every day. It means unwinding thousands of years of being objects for someone else to use, to being sovereign subjects whose bodies belong to us.
Tell us why you launched Rosebud Woman
After a career in global consulting, I founded and grew multiple companies in B2B software. I served as a futurist and innovation advisor for global companies, such as Estee Lauder and Panasonic, and an advisor, investor and mentor to many technology startups. Concurrently, in 2000, I began a 20 year journey into studying and teaching yoga, tantra, collective trauma healing, plant medicine and intentional living. I also curated and led 12 TED San Francisco events, and continues to hold gatherings around the world. Founding mission-driven organizations, living as a healer and agent of joy, and bringing people together for systemic change are woven together in my current work with Rosebud Woman.
How did you create Rosebud Woman
Most of creating a new company is a dance between deep listening, and creative execution. You listen for unmet needs, and for inspiration on how to meet those needs. You stay on top of trends in the culture, and you listen for new technologies. Always ask a lot of questions, in the form of both structured research and opinions. The research was in two directions. The first was really getting to know women’s existing beliefs and needs. The second was traditional apothecary and women’s wisdom traditions to aid the skin.
What was the process?
The next year was invested in formula development. We needed to craft the voice of the brand, develop packaging, find suppliers, make sure the numbers worked. A lot needed to happen. We needed to write the books that go with our products, build out infrastructure and build a team. We focused on doing all the legal and regulatory protocol and produce 5,000 units of each product. Finally, we began to get the word out and offer our products for sale. It’s really worked out. Today we have thousands of 5 star reviews across the web and wonderful retailers. This includes world class spas, clean beauty leaders and prestige chains, such as Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom. Most important to me are the first-hand testimonials on how the products and the messaging have changed women’s lives.
There are other vaginal moisturizers and cleansers on the market. How is Rosebud Woman different?
Each of our products is unique in its own way. For example, our flagship Honor Everyday Balm has a both targeted and adaptogenic ingredients that no one else offers. Arouse Stimulating Serum, is a category we created, and still the only product in its category. We’re committed to ongoing innovation and providing the healthiest, cleanest skin and intimate care products on the market. We have several new products in the lab that are truly groundbreaking and delightful.
Some OBGYNs recommend women not use any products on the vagina or vulva. Why is Rosebud Woman safe?
I’d venture to say those OBGYNs haven’t suffered personally from intimate dryness or haven’t been listening to their patients. Even The Vagina Bible says women can benefit from topical moisturizers. Don’t introduce things into the vaginome that will disturb Ph. Avoid any petroleum by-products, or a host of other hormone disrupting ingredients.
In the past, the skincare industry has been criticized for suggesting women’s vagina’s/vulvas are unclean. Do Rosebud Woman products feed negative thoughts?
Oh, no — on the contrary! We serve as a self-care advocate in this area. We try to normalize the detailed terms for our anatomy. As a brand, we strive to educate on the impact of various medications and hormonal shifts on intimate parts. Rosebud feeds freedom from body shame and sexual shame. For ideal intimate health, you want to keep the skin moist. Primarily to avoid the micro tearing that comes from dryness, which contributes to UTIs. You want to keep surface bacteria out of the vagina to avoid infections and so skin feels great; responsive and supple.
For after sports practice, during periods and after toileting, teens and women of all ages love our non-stripping refresh intimate wipes. Younger women also love Our Soothe Calming Cream, which has arnica, calendula and chamomile.
Thinking about diversity: Can all women use Rosebud products?
Anyone who has a vulva, whether they identify as women or not, can use Rosebud Woman products.
Your products go beyond typical skin care lines (candles, brushes, etc.) How do they complement your intimate skin and body care formulations?
Everything we do is designed to create deeper self-care rituals. The body brush supports lymphatic stimulation, which is recommended prior to using our Anoint Nourishing Body Oil. The candles are to support ritual and relaxation as you do a self-affirmation and body love practice. Our supplements are to support general systemic response-ability and relaxation.
Learn more about the sexual wellbeing trend in this report from the Spafinder archives.
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