Destination Spa Group: Summer Words of Wellness
- Published: Sunday, May 19th 2013
- in Mindset
Each winter we dream of summer – the warmth, the easy living, and all of the weekend road trips we want to take – but as the season starts our schedules always seem to be packed full of commitments, conflicts, and often times stress. Destination Spa Group has decided that this summer their focus is going to be on wellness – on taking a second to breathe and on enjoying the “lazy days of summer” (as best we can!) “Even in the summer, which is supposed to be a slower time of the year, we can all feel overwhelmed by life’s curve balls and commitments,” says natural health and wellbeing expert Debra Koerner, executive director of the Destination Spa Group. “When I’m feeling stressed, I incorporate lessons from Destination Spas including blending up a green smoothie, taking a long walk and practicing yoga.”
The Destination Spa Group, which includes properties like Canyon Ranch Lenox, Chiva-Som, Golden Door, Lake Austin, Rancho La Puerta, and The Oaks at Ojai – just to name a few, has always been dedicated to preparing guests for a life of wellness and longevity. After a visit with these notable destination spas you’ll bring home a great to zest for life, knowledge to help you maintain a spa lifestyle at home, and a healthier and happier version of yourself! If you can’t make it out to one of these great spas they’ve rounded up some Words of Wellness to share with us! Read on for wise, wellness quotes from industry leaders:
On Defining Wellness:
“Wellness is feeling good physically, mentally and emotionally. And when you feel good, you want to stay that way, so you naturally gravitate towards healthy behaviors of eating, exercising and finding ways to take care of yourself.” – Sharon Rekieta, Fitness Director, Lake Austin Spa Resort
“Wellness is the result of mindfulness and balance. Everything that we think and do, for ourselves and others, and how we treat ourselves plays a role in our overall wellness. It is about our mental, physical and spiritual health; be kind and nurture each component and they will treat you well.” – Raelene Honeycutt, Fitness Manager & Program Coordinator, The Heartland Spa and Fitness Resort
“Wellness is the health of mind, body and spirit. All three have to be in line together to really define a total being of wellness.One can be at a healthy weight and exercise regularly, but if that same person is in a stressful life situation or not feeding the spirit, the other areas need to be focused on and brought into alignment in order to experience complete wellness.”- Kathleen LeSage, New Life Hiking Spa
On Practicing Wellness:
The team at Canyon Ranch encourages you to share a mindful adventure. “Rather than spending your evening walk together rehashing the events of the day and worrying about the rest of your week, focus instead on the shared experience you are enjoying. Share one of the reasons you enjoy this time together and ask the other person to do the same.”
Honeycutt of The Heartland Spa advises, “Any activity worth doing should include an element of education. Summer is a fantastic time to learn about bugs, flowers and how our bodies work. Visit your local farmers’ market, not just for the food, but for the experience. Learn when you go. Take pictures. Enjoy every moment.”
Lake Austin’s Rekieta advises families to enjoy life’s simple pleasure instead of “over planning” or scheduling complicated vacations, “ Have a picnic in the backyard on clear evenings and learn about the star constellations or pretend you’re a visitor in your city and take a walking tour of popular areas and attractions.”
About Destination Spa Group – Only a select group of spas follow the tradition of the true Destination Spa – where the total environment is dedicated to health and life enhancement. Representing more than 20 spas, Destination Spa Group is a membership organization dedicated to educating the public about the unique wellness and self-improvement opportunities found at Destination Spas. More details on