2013 Spafinder Wellness Top 10 Trend Predictions: Report Card
- Published: Sunday, December 29th 2013
- in Editors' Picks
Each year before issuing the New Year’s top 10, I like to review the ones from the year before and assign us a grade. Using the familiar A = Excellent to F = Failure grading system…here are the grades I would give ourselves for our 2013 trends:
Healthy Hotels: A+
It was all over the news all year and continues into 2014!
The Mindfulness Massage: B
We should have labeled this “mindfulness” because that is what was percolating. The idea of mindfulness massage perhaps a tad too advanced for 2013.
Earthing: B+
There is a “nature deficit disorder” and people increasingly seeking nature is very true. Are they walking barefoot to get the benefit of the earth’s unique energy fields? Well, let’s say they are starting to tip-toe.
Spa-Genomics…Telomeres and Beyond: B
Lot’s more is happening regarding science and stress, neuroscience, epigenisis, etc. However we’re still a bit ahead of the masses on this one.
Authentic Ayurveda and Other Ancient Revivals: A
Definitely yes! It probably helped that the annual Global Spa and Wellness Summit (GSWS), where leaders in spa and wellness from around the world meet, was in India this year.
Color Self-Expression: B+
Ombre hair, body and face art, nail polish of all colors, definitely happening.
Inclusive Wellness: C
Sadly…the idea of the spa industry embracing those with disabilities isn’t exactly on a huge roll. We still feel that the aging population with their increasing array of disabilities will usher in this trend eventually – however probably not as quickly as we would hope.
Label Conscious Fitness: A
Definitely still trending…Soul Cycle, Insanity, Zumba, etc. and some new classes emerging such as Surfset Fitness, Pound Rockout, Updog Fitness and yes…more Zumba.
Men: From Barbers to “Brotox”: A-
More men doing spa in general, into skin care products, into the things that women are doing to maintain a relaxed and youthful face and that includes Botox but increasingly fillers and other injectables.
Where the Jobs Are: A+
This trend was about trumpeting the job opportunities in the spa and wellness world – spa management in particular has so many openings! One insight I gleaned from the GSWS? Instead of just adding spa management courses to hospitality degrees, add them to tourism degree programs as well. And add them to all massage training and aesthetic training programs. Forget about getting a university to add a full time spa management 4 year degree program. Not happening.
Look forward to sharing the 2014 trends with you at the January 14th webinar!