Top 10 Trends for 2014: Spa and Wellness –an exciting year for growth in new directions!
- Published: Thursday, January 16th 2014
- in Editors' Picks
Hi Everyone,

Those of you who know me understand that tracking trends in the spa and wellness world for Spafinder Wellness 365 is one of my favorite things to do – and something I have been doing for many decades.
I am deeply involved with the research; creating and analyzing surveys we conduct with consumers, industry professionals and travel agents; visiting properties around the world; attending top events and interacting with thought leaders in numerous industry sectors; and generally filtering everything I do and see and feel during the year through my 40-years of experience in the spa, wellness, and now increasingly, the tourism world. But there is no more exciting time for me than the day we announce our new trends forecast for the New Year!
This year we announced our 2014 top 10 spa and wellness trends on Tuesday, January 14, via a global webinar that I had the pleasure of hosting with my colleague Mia Kyricos, Chief Brand Officer Spafinder Wellness, Inc. (You can listen to the overview of the forecast and see a very visual PowerPoint that shows many examples of each trend.)
I will be writing about each of the trends on my blog in the upcoming weeks, but I recommend that you review the full 75 page report, especially if you are a trend tracker and/or want to be in the know about the topics we cover. I hope you enjoy our forecast.
In my next blog I will discuss one of my favorite trends from the 2014 list. Hint: It doesn’t have a number :)
Uber Trend: Your Mind is What Matters
1. Healthy Hotels 2.0
2. Wired Wellness
3. Hot Springs Heat Up
4. Suspending Gravity
5. Ferocious Fitness
6. “Natural” Beauty Meets Social Media
7. Aromatherapy: Scent with Intent
8. Wellness Retreats Rise… & Urbanize
9. Death & Spas: Thriving During Life’s Transitions
10. Top 10 Surprising Spa & Wellness Destinations