Cellulite: Dimples are cute on my face, not my legs!
- Published: Monday, May 29th 2017
- in Beauty

Cellulite, we all hate it and are desperately trying to get rid of it. If you’re like me, you love dimples on faces, not on other parts of your body. So how can you tighten your skin to reduce cellulite?
We’ve all asked and honestly, a lot of therapies claim to be the answer to cellulite removal but are they really? And what can you do to reduce the appearance in the interim? First off let’s discuss home remedies. Tons of topics claim to provide a reprieve from the appearance of dimples.
Here are a few tips that will help:
At Home:
- Mix coffee grounds with coconut oil and when you’re in the shower, scrub away with this. Try to buy a brush that has a flat back to manage the scrubbing with the flip side. If not, use latex gloves so that you can handle the scrub as it might difficult to scrub the coffee bean. Yes, it’s messy but your skin will immediately start glowing and tingling with the caffeinated feeling. The dimples will temporarily shed and, once you’ve exited the shower, use argan moisturizer or oil to hydrate your legs. To check out a DIY video, click here.
- Dry Brush. What is this really? Well, dry brushing is designed to excrete toxins through the lymphatic system. The biggest challenge is the way people scrub. The idea is to scrub towards your lymphatic drainage points. Where are these you might ask? They’re towards your pelvis where you urinate. When you have your dry brush by your legs, dry brush upwards and towards your uterus. On your buttocks brush towards your sides and upwards, NOT in circular motions on your buttocks. If you’re dry brushing arms, dry brush towards your armpits. Anything above the waistline should be pointed in the direction of the armpits for lymphatic drainage. Again, try a brush that’s easily handheld to facilitate scrubbing.
- Velashape- this treatment is designed to tighten the skin. Do keep in mind more than one treatment is necessary to see progress. Three is the minimum and ask around to find an aesthetician that has conducted this experience for some time.
- Cavitation- this helps kill fat cells by applying a certain amount of heat to different layers of the epidermis. The dead cells are excreted through the lymphatic system for weeks thereafter. Again, this is a treatment you’ll want to have a few times.
- Cool sculpting- designed to freeze and kill the body’s suicidal fat cells, this treatment will take some time to reduce fat in certain areas. A side effect of the cold is the skin does tighten, however, is it the answer to cellulite reduction? Some reduction will be noticed because there will be less fat in certain areas.
Overall, the takeaway is consistency is key. Make the at home treatments part of your routine and do it at least twice a week. Don’t expect to remedy this without any effort. Like everything in life, practice makes perfect. In all instances eating well and exercising will help reduce cellulite. Lifting weights and HITT training are two other ways to combat this physically.