Busy Mom? 4 Ways to Stop Sabotaging Your Fitness Goals
- Published: Wednesday, October 31st 2018
- in Fitness

If you’re a busy mom, constant interruptions and changing schedules make it hard (ok, really, really hard!) to stick to your fitness goals. In addition, many of your friends may be moms with erratic schedules and it can be challenging to enjoy workouts and fitness classes together. So what’s a busy mom to do? Here are four tips that will help you stop sabotaging your fitness goals and start enjoying a healthier you.
Stop the “I’m Too Tired” Syndrome
It’s common knowledge: moms are always tired. However, thinking you are too tired to even take a walk is a sure way to sabotage your fitness goals. Working out increases your energy–plus, you will feel less exhausted after a workout or that easy walk. To break this self-sabotaging cycle, make a decision to get up and get out. Start by taking a 10-minute walk and notice that you feel less tired. Keep walking and as you feel stronger, try something new like yoga or check out exercise classes like Stroller Strides®, a workout for moms (and dads) with kids in tow.
Set Realistic Goals, Wonder Woman Comes Later
When you’re getting back into an exercise routine, it’s easy to set goals that are too ambitious. And while it’s good to challenge yourself, fitness experts recommend starting slow and working up to your fitness best. If your goals are too lofty (lose 10 pounds in a month or run five miles your first week out), you are more likely to fail and then become discouraged.
In addition, you are more apt to injure yourself and need to stop exercising. You can stop sabotaging your fitness plan by setting small goals each time you work out. For example, increase your 10-minute walk to 15 and then 20 minutes or add three reps to each step in your weight lifting routine.
Listen to Your Body (Talk and Talk)
When it comes to physical activity, your body has a lot to tell you–but only if you listen. For example, it’s important to understand the difference between pain that comes from challenging your muscles and the pain from an injury. Conversely, you may be limiting yourself by telling your body to stop when it could do more. If you feel sore after a trip to the gym or a vigorous hike, ask yourself, “Am I injured or are these just aches from tired muscles?” And remember, a soothing soak with Epson salts or, even better, a healing massage can get you back to your new fit life without missing a beat.
Mix it Up
You’ve heard it before and we’ll say it again: It’s very important to mix up your exercise routine. If you feel like you’ve reached a plateau, look for a new class or program–or simply change the exercises your doing. This will keep your body on its toes and help you maintain your progress.[1] Plus, you won’t get bored, which is the path to self-sabotage.
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[1] CanadianProtein.com, “7 Things that are Sabotaging your Fitness Goals, April 2018