Annual Summer Spa Focus in New York
- Published: Sunday, August 12th 2007
- in Living Well
Each summer ISPA has a media event in New York where 25 spas exhibit “what’s new” for the press and traditionally Spa Finder hosts a cocktail party the evening before for all the participants. The theme of our cocktail party this year was “Meet the Editors” and all attendees had a chance to meet with the brilliant people who write and edit various part of Luxury Spa Finder Magazine: our beauty editor, our travel editor, writers from Spa Rx, Spa Lifestyle Real Estate, Home Spa Design, etc.
Peter and I were flying back from our Sturgis trip trying to make it back for the end of the party (we had planned to come right from the airport in our biker clothes) but unfortunately the flight was delayed due to weather and we didn’t make it in time. But Sallie and the team reported a record number of attendees, press and an outstanding array of spa cuisine and spa drinks. I know it is always fun for everyone who comes in from all over the country to gather the night before and catch up. I really hated to have missed it.
This year’s ISPA media event was held at Cipriani’s – a venue I thought worked much better than any of their past venues. The ISPA media event began with a presentation of their most recent spa research results – this time more international – and then followed with time to visit the various booths to see what’s new at each of the 25 spas who exhibited. Next posts will include: 1. My analysis of the research they presented 2. My take on “what’s new” as presented by the spas who exhibited