Heal Your Mind, Body & Soul With Non-Invasive Vibroacoustic Therapy
- Published: Saturday, April 4th 2015
- in Living Well
by Stephen Deuel, Managing Director, Inner Soulutions and Vibroacoustic Specialist for Tournesol Wellness Center
Vibroacoustic Therapy (or VAT as it is known) is a drugless, non-invasive approach to addressing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of ourselves with a focus on increasing the quality of your life. While resting comfortably, the body is massaged with specifically designed, low frequency vibrations which are transmitted through the use of special transducers. These vibrations gently permeate the body, engaging the body to create a sympathetic resonance with the energetic frequency waves provided in the CD.
A VAT session offers multiple benefits and can be designed to meet your needs. Surrounded in comfort and caressed by relaxing music, the vibroacoustic frequencies are combined to provide both surface and deep tissue massage effects while creating a healing resonance to balance both specific areas and the body in general.
Developed in Europe during the 1980’s, Vibroacoustic Therapy has been synergistically combined with a wide variety of health care modalities. Treatments on a regular bases provide long-lasting, cumulative benefits. Practitioners, wellness centers, and spas have worked with clients dealing with asthma, COPD and cystic fibrosis, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, MS and dystonia with amazing results. Psychologist, hypnotherapist, and professionals working with autistic children use vibroacoustic therapy and vibroacoustic music (or VAM) in their practice. VAT to clear emotional trauma, whether it be due to abuse, or injury, or PTSD has provided clients with the help to release the pain and create a happier outlook. Stress disorders, insomnia, pain management, and physical rehabilitation and so much more benefit from this painless, relaxing, vibrational sound therapy.
Studies have shown VAT and VAM will stimulate blood circulation, relieve stress and anxiety, and the analgesic effect aids in pain management. It lowers blood pressure, calms the autonomic nervous system and decreases spasms and tremors.
No matter what brings you to a VAT Sessions, you will leave having reduced your stress, anxiety, and blood pressure, increased your blood circulation, and minimized your pain level. Tournesol Wellness Center offers and wide range of services for improving your quality of life including VAT Treatments on the Liquid Sound Table.
I will leave you with a favorite story of mine from treating an older couple with VAT for a few weeks. While the gentleman was on the table being treated for his arthritic knee, his wife mentioned that while it was helping his knee, “He sure is a lot easier to live with.” Then, when she was on the table for her session, her husband mentioned, “I don’t know what she is getting out of this, but she sure is a lot easier to live with.” My wife and I both smiled and never mentioned what each had said about the other. They both had developed a more positive attitude towards each other and life.
Editor’s Note: About a month ago I stopped by Tournesol Wellness for my own VAT session and was blown away with what could be accomplished in just one hour. The frequency was set based on what I wanted to work on, generalized stress and fear, which apparently lives in your kidneys. The sessions can address anger (liver), sadness (lungs), pain anywhere in your body, as well as a ton of other ailments. VAT can even help someone get a deeper and more beneficial meditation. The table is much like a water bed and you can get on and even snuggle under a blanket to get comfortable. The room is completely dark and you are left alone with your thoughts, the gentle, fluid vibrations underneath you, and peaceful music playing overhead.
Oddly enough, being alone in the complete dark is one of my biggest irrational fears but after a few minutes of the session (and a bit of anxiety) I suddenly felt washed over with calm. Then, my mind started to race and just about everything that bothers me flooded into my brain until the amazing thing happened, that wave of calm hit again and I almost laughed at how I was letting so much from my past and so many non-important things effect me in such a negative way. At this point I stopped thinking entirely and felt this sense of peace for days after my session and feel affected by it even now months later when I start to feel anxious, I’m able to nearly immediately rationalize. Biggest improvement? After 28 years, I finally tossed the nightlight. – Jackie Burns Brisman