Your Wakeup Call to Achieving Better Sleep
- Published: Monday, March 7th 2016
- in Living Well
Get ready to count some sheep and catch some zzz’s: In honor of 2016 Sleep Awareness Week, we have your wakeup call to achieving better sleep! This annual campaign by the National Sleep Foundation, held March 6-13, is designed to educate and raise awareness about the health benefits snoozing has for both mind and body.
And even if you don’t celebrate Sleep Awareness Week, the importance of developing—and prioritizing—good sleep habits pertains to everyone (studies show adults who do not get enough regular shuteye are more apt to suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, and poor mental health, in addition to other chronic ailments).
We’ve gathered some of our favorite stories filled with sleep tips and tricks to help you achieve better sleep.
The A to ZZZ’s of Setting Up Your Sleep Sanctuary: Your sleep environment says a lot about how you fall asleep. Stay well-rested by incorporating some of these ideas in your bedroom. Read more.
10 Tips to Sleep Better While Traveling: Between time zone changes and unfamiliar surroundings, travel can throw off one’s sleep routine. These 10 tips will help you keep calm while on the road to ensure sound sleep. Keep reading.
The Power of Power Naps: The Benefits of Napping for Adults: Napping isn’t just for the kiddos; it offers some major benefits for adults as well, including reduced risks of accidents, increased alertness and energy, and improved productivity. Learn more.
What Your Sleep-Style Says about Your Love Life: Did you know that how you sleep with your partner has an impact on the quality of your relationship? Dr. Wendy Walsh spills all. Discover more.
How to Get Your Body Ready for a Good Night’s Sleep: These Zen-like slumber tips, from aromatherapy to yoga stretches to using pink hues (who knew?), make it easy to catch a few zzz’s. Enjoy!