Our Top 10 Healthy & Reasonable Resolutions for 2015
- Published: Tuesday, December 30th 2014
- in Mindset
Resolutions go hand in hand with the countdown to the New Year, and typically go out the door starting around, say, January 15. So in 2015, we’re making it our resolution to adhere to the promises we make come January 1—and we’re doing so by selecting reasonable resolutions we know we can stick to throughout the year. Here’s to a happy, healthy 2015!
Kate’s Resolutions:
Be grateful. Finding the positive in any situation and appreciating the good fortune I’ve been lucky enough to receive—sounds like a pretty great way to live, right? Practicing gratefulness is top of my list for 2015.
Wash my face every night—no matter how late it is or how tired I am. That laziness might have been okay in college, but now as an adult? Not so much. Cleansing my face before bed each night is key to keeping my pores unclogged and increasing the potency of my skin-care creams.
Stand up straight. Sorry, mom, all those years of ballet class didn’t seem to take—nowadays, long hours at the computer have caused me to become quite lax about maintaining good posture. In 2015, I pledge to focus on standing up straight, just like my dance instructor (plus, mom, of course) always preached. And that starts with these Pilates exercises.
Eat more greens. My everyday diet: Pasta? Yes. Greens? No…This year, I vow to up my intake of greens as much as I do now for pasta. (And I’m starting with some of the smoothie recipes we’ve created ourselves!)
Learn to breathe. Whether it’s trouble sleeping or work stress, I know taking a few moments to inhale and exhale is imperative for my sanity. Next time I’m feeling a bit anxious, I’m going to remember my New Year’s resolution to breathe!
Jackie’s Resolutions:
Eliminate exercise excuses. “Too busy,” “too tired,” “too late.” I found my 2014 to be filled with excuses for why I couldn’t find time to workout. My earlier resolution to get in at least 3-4 intense sweat sessions a week started strong but fizzled out after a spring beach getaway. This year I’m banning all excuses and vowing to motivate myself (regardless of vacation plans) to workout and to move each and every day, especially since we have so many 30-minute workouts in our fitness section!
Stop sweating the small stuff… While easy to say, this year I vow to stop letting myself get so worked up by those little things that just feel big in the moment. I’ve found that when I stop and think for a minute, nine times out of 10, whatever I’m letting myself get into a panic about is really not a big deal at all.
…but enjoy the small moments. It’s easy to forget to enjoy all the little things in life with the constant flow of comparable moments our friends, family, and coworkers post on social media. This year, I’m promising myself to digital detox during the times that I should be present in the moment – when I’m enjoying dinner with my husband, catching up with an old friend, or just sitting and enjoying a good book alone.
Stop “wining!” Not that I drink excessively, but this year I want to drink less. I feel better, stronger, and more clear when I am on a “dry week” and in 2015, I plan to have even more of them. Indulging in the finer things in life is all about moderation, plus it always makes it so much more special when it’s for a special occasion!
Try 12 new things. I am a creature of comfort and in 2015, my main resolution is to break out of my comfort zone and try one new thing I’ve never done before each month! This year I plan to ski to run a 5k and to try loads of new experiences in the New Year!.
Share some of your New Year’s resolutions with us below!