How Drinking Water Can Equate to Weight Loss
- Published: Sunday, March 10th 2013
- in Living Well

By Heather Logue
Water really is the magical gift that keeps on giving—not only does plenty of H20 lead to vibrant skin, more energy, and a happier body overall, it can also help you in the battle to lose a little bulge! So invest in that fancy water bottle you’ve been eyeing and spruce up a cold glass of water with lemon slices or a handful of berries. Water is your new best friend, and it’s in for the long haul.
Water will make you less hungry!
Water is an appetite suppressant, so drinking more water means you’ll probably be eating less. People often confuse hunger with thirst, and a giant glass of water is what the body is really craving (instead of that greasy cheeseburger you thought you wanted). Many nutritionists recommend drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day, but they can vary depending on your size and activity level. Make sure you’re drinking enough, and replace anything that isn’t magical water—we’re looking at you high-calorie drinks, juices and alcoholic beverages!
“Start your meal with hydrating food like a crunchy salad or delicious soup—these are robust, filled with nutrients and water and will help you cut down on calories,” suggests Wendy Bazilian, DrPH, nutrition advisor at Golden Door Spa in Escondido, California.
Water helps your insides!
Drinking water is helpful when it comes to burning fat—essentially being super hydrated keeps your kidneys functioning well and allows your liver to focus on performing its crucial fat-metabolizing work. Water also helps tone muscles when you’re working out, and speeds up metabolism in both men and women (some say cold water does an even better job at this).
“Drink plenty of green tea if regular agua is too dull for you—not only is green tea hydrating, it has also been touted as a metabolism-boosting staple,” Dr. Bazilian suggests, and adds that water also plays a crucial role in digestion as well as in helping the body absorb and transfuse nutrients.
“Eating” your water will keep you healthy and hydrated!

Yes, this may sound strange, but Dr. Murad of Murad Inclusive Health Spa in El Segundo, California strongly recommends approaching water in this way in order to lose weight and be healthy. He’s covered this topic previously, but really wants to hammer home how helpful “water-rich” raw fruits and vegetables can be. “The water that is found in raw fruits and vegetables is the best form of water for your cells because it stays in your system long enough for your body to put it to good use,” says Dr. Murad. “By sticking to a healthy diet you’ll end up eating most of the water needed each day to stay well hydrated.”
Dr. Murad recommends focusing on a few essential foods that can give you the most bang for your buck—cucumbers, made mostly of water, are hydrating (as well as being soothing for the eyelids), and contain vitamins A, C and folic acid. He’s also toted pomegranates, avocados, apricots, broccoli and spinach as favorable produce to eat when it comes to hydration and nutrition. Also try munching on some celery, carrots and red peppers to quench your thirst—and trim that waistline!
Water’s role in weight-loss should not be underestimated. It’s vital when it comes to feeling and performing your best. Whether you’re gulping it down before meals, or “eating” it daily, water really is the essential ingredient when it comes to losing those extra pounds.
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