Top 5 Reasons to Join Spafinder’s Wellness Warrior Challenge
- Published: Friday, July 8th 2022
- in Fitness

It’s officially National Wellness Month, and Spafinder is joining in on the fun this August with an exciting and new Wellness Warrior challenge. Well, not necessarily brand new, as you’ve likely heard it before. But the “you should take 10,000 steps a day” health advice is getting a refresh in 2022. We’re here to remind you that this number is not an exaggeration and it’s entirely possible to do it every single day in August. There are endless benefits to strolling to your location instead of stepping on the gas, both for you and the environment.
In addition, walking is excellent for the mind, body, and soul. Set your Apple Watch to help you reach 10,000 daily steps all month long. It will only get easier to upgrade your health goals in the future. If you need more convincing, here are the five best reasons to join Spafinder’s Wellness Warrior challenge this August
Walking keeps you fit
Whether you’re trying to maintain or lose weight, the Spafinder Wellness Warrior challenge will be there for you every step of the way. Pun intended. Somebody with a BMI in the “normal” range typically burns an extra 2000-3000 calories per week by taking 10,000 daily steps. And with one pound of body fat equaling 3,500 calories, this can help you lose one pound or more in seven days, depending on diet and other factors. Even if you’re not aiming to lose a ton of excess weight, cardio can help. It works to target the fat cells in stubborn areas and leaves you looking leaner than ever before. Taking more steps will boost not only your confidence but also your body’s natural functions, and you can’t argue with science.
Walking reduces stress and anxiety
A study by Harvard Health explores the mental health benefits of walking more each day. This is crucial because one in five Americans over age 18 deal with chronic anxiety. A brisk walk not only distracts you from excessive worrying but also has a profound effect on your organs. According to research by Harvard, exercise “activates frontal regions of the brain responsible for executive function, which helps control the amygdala, our reacting system to real or imagined threats to our survival.” In simpler terms, it helps you stop stressing about threats that may or may not exist. It also gets your heart rate up to alter your brain chemistry, releasing crucial anti-anxiety neurochemicals like serotonin and building resilience to future stresses.
Walking helps to improve heart health
Your heart is the basis of your body and must be treated with kindness, and there’s nothing better for heart health than 10,000 steps a day. According to the Walking Heart Foundation, walking for an average of a half-hour or more each day can lower the risk of heart disease and stroke by 35%. Plus, there is a 40% less chance of Type 2 diabetes. It can also help to manage aspects like blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels for greater overall health and preventative care. What else could you want from the Spafinder Wellness Warrior challenge this August?
Walking boosts immunity
In the same Harvard study we mentioned earlier, they stressed the importance of walking enough to improve immunity. A study of 1,000 people found that those who walked just 20 minutes for five days per week took 43% fewer sick days than those who didn’t. Can you even imagine how much more healthy you’ll be with 10,000 step days? This exercise helps to ward off upper respiratory symptoms like coughing, sneezing, and runny nose. Since nobody wants a summer cold, it’s time to start moving!
It’s really easy, we promise!
Walking 10,000 steps a day may seem daunting at first, but your body becomes accustomed to this movement and the many benefits it brings. It’s as simple as walking to the spa for your massage that you found on Spafinder, in true National Wellness Month fashion, or taking your dog a few extra blocks on his daily walk. 10,000 steps equate to just under two hours of walking, which can easily be spread out throughout the day to make them quick and brisk. A 20-minute walk before, during, and after work already gets you halfway to your goal… while you can show kindness to both the environment and yourself by strolling to your everyday destinations.