Build Up Your Immune System with These Food Boosters
- Published: Monday, August 14th 2023
- in Health

Our immune systems work overtime to fight off viruses and infections, keeping us healthy and happy. Therefore, the least we can do is give these cells and tissues a little support! We’re talking about certain superfoods that serve as backup for your immune system…and it doesn’t hurt that most of them are super delicious. Have you ever tried sauteed broccoli that helps you beat a cold? Or sweet potatoes instead of mashed white potatoes for a tasty and healthy alternative? These are just a few incredible foods to supercharge your immunity…here’s what else you need to try.
Berries, in general, are known for being some of the most antioxidant-rich and immunity-boosting foods. However, blueberries may just top the list. These tiny-but-mighty treats are packed with flavonoids called anthocyanin, which protect your nose, mouth, throat, and lungs, in particular. Want to ward off or prevent the common cold, or any other upper respiratory infections? Grab a handful of blueberries and breathe easy.
Sweet Potatoes
Would it really be a family dinner without potatoes? Forgo the mashed, scalloped and baked white potatoe types for a couple nights in favor of sweet potatoes, a healthier take on your favorite side dish. They’re rich in beta carotene, an antioxidant and source of Vitamin A found in your favorite orange and yellow vegetables. Plus, they can also be mashed, baked, etc.
And if you need extra motivation to pile sweet potatoes onto your plate, just know that beta-carotene is believed to give you healthier skin and protection against harmful UV rays.
Zing! Your body will thank you for adding ginger to any dish — as it provides delicious flavor and an extra dose of immunity. With its anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties, ginger can easily help your body ward off and treat infections. Yes, even with just a sprinkle of this spice in your tea or a stir fry.
Avocado toast, anyone? This millennial-favorite food is packed with healthy fats and vitamin E for the perfect snack. The second nutrient acts as an antioxidant, giving your immune system a taste of sweet and savory protection. With a little extra help from copper, fiber, magnesium and more, you’ll feel more entitled to your daily avocado than ever.
If you’re looking for a superfood that’s practically a one-stop-shop for immune support, it’s about time that you met spirulina! This colorful blue-green algae is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and protein. It contains iron, which is crucial for healthy immune function, and its powerful antioxidants can help protect your immune cells from damage.
Just a casual reminder that when it comes to your health, kale never fails. Known as one of the healthiest green vegetables around, this superfood has more essential nutrients than we can count. From vitamins A, B6, C and K to carotenoids and manganese, kale is a nutritional powerhouse that gives your immune system the ultimate boost. Whether you’re consuming it in salads, smoothies, or sauteed in a pan, your body will thank you!
Trying to clean the broccoli off your plate as a child? A nightly battle with your parents. But eating it as an adult is a little different, as nobody can deny the immunity and nutrition that this veggie brings. It’s filled with fiber and an abundance of vitamins for all sorts of health benefits, along with sulfur compounds that aid in the body’s natural production in glutathione.
This antioxidant attacks free radicals in plain sight, eliminating damage to the immune system without a sweat. So listen to your mom and eat your broccoli, she was definitely onto something!
Fatty fish like salmon have long been linked to the health of all your most important organs, including the brain and heart. But did you know that this entree can also be the ultimate immunity-booster? Salmon contains omega-3 fats, an anti-inflammatory favorite, to ward off diseases, along with positively impacting the gut microbiome to help regulate the body’s defense system. Are you ready to cook up a tasty salmon dinner for the family yet?
Speaking of that salmon meal, it would taste even better with a touch of immunity-boosting garlic. This pungent and spicy vegetable features alliin, an enzyme that experts believe can help support your white blood cells as they defend the body against cold and flu viruses. So add a little garlic to your favorite dishes, like chicken or pasta, or roast them with your favorite vegetables for an easy-to-make, immunity-boosting favorite.
Yes, figs are a healthy food! Plus, learn more about avocados.